FAA Food Baskets
Click Here if You Would Like To Donate
By Helping Others, We Help Ourselves
We are working on providing food baskets to families in need for the holiday. The cost of this basket is $25, and it will include essential food items and household supplies.
To purchase any number of baskets, please contact any FAA member listed below. Merry Christmas to all!
If you would like to donate, please contact any of our members or donate online.
John Maida. (818)516-3896
Nasir Habhab (909)241-1004
Romeo Askar (818)458-3866
Elias Mbarkeh (818)640-7383
Issa Hawara (818)645-5001
Sarkis Abdulhai (805)701-9920
George Alhosry (818)517-3763
Ziad Abdulhai (805)312-3933
Ziad Ballat (805)272-5203
Jay Attieya (626)665-3225
Simon Abdelnour (951)768-3713
Zaher Hawara (818)400-8892
Wasim Hamad (818)209-5116
If you would like to donate using Zelle use this email address.
FAA Zelle : JMAIDA86@gmail.com
Please help if you can. Every donation makes a difference.